
The FP2030 Measurement Framework includes more than 20 indicators, such as Modern Contraceptive Prevalence, Unmet Need, Demand Satisfied, and Method Mix.

The data includes estimates from 2012-2023 for all FP2030 indicators in the measurement framework for 84 low and low-middle income countries as well as upper-middle income countries that have made a commitment to FP2030. The new file has updated information for all the FP2030 indicators and includes three new countries – Botswana, Jordan, and Namibia. Some indicators are annually modeled while others are based on the most recent surveys. Additionally, some indicators are disaggregated by wealth quintile. Read the FP2030 Measurement Framework for more details on the definition, calculation, disaggregation, and source for each indicator. 

downloadable items

Interactive & Country Data Resources

Estimate tables

This file contains estimates for all the FP2030 indicators in the measurement framework and is reported for the years 2012-2023.

AY data file

A supplemental data file on the adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health (AYSRH) indicators.

Track20 Opportunity Briefs

The “Track20 Country Opportunity Briefs” bring together a wide range of data sources to allow for exploration of these key areas of Overall Growth, PPFP, and Youth Access.

Uncertainty Estimates 2023 Report

A supplemental data file to report uncertainty ranges for survey-based and modeled estimates to lend credibility to our methods.

Graphics (ppt)

Powerpoint presentation with report graphics.

Graphics (zip)

Zip file with report graphics.

Data dashboard

An interactive data dashboard highlights key indicators from the measurement framework and data on family planning financing.

Track20 country FP indicator summaries

The Track20 FP indicator summaries and fact sheets highlight data for all indicators for all low income and lower-middle income countries.

2022 Measurement Report Brief

A 12-page document with measurement overviews and select data.


PDF files of presentation slides from the January webinar.

Previous Reports

FP2030 launched the first Measurement Report in 2021 to reflect the new partnership’s shift in focus and structure. Prior to that, the 2019-2020 digital report acknowledged the eight years of the FP2020 partnership with a 2012-2020 timeline to walkthrough the key events of the initiative.


FP2030 Measurement Report.  This report assesses trends in contraceptive use over a full decade of data


FP2030 Measurement Report. This report prominently features the FP2030 Measurement Framework, the regional profiles section, and findings on finance.


FP2020: The Arc of Progress. This report highlights progress from 2012-2020, the impact of COVID19, measurement and finance sections.

PHOTOS TOP TO BOTTOM BY The Gender Spectrum Collections, Juan Arredondo/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment